Domain Name Auction Information
Lot ID | Domain | Category | Finishes at | Start price | Latest price |
Frequently Asked Questions:
What categories of domain names are being auctioned?
Domain names are divided into four categories: two-character, three-character, four-character and premium domains. -
What actions must be taken to participate in the auction?
Participants (individuals and legal entities) must register online on the official website of the exchange, obtain a personal account and make a deposit of 10% of the starting price of the domain to their personal account in the clearing house (RCH) of the exchange. -
How do participants access information about the auction?
Participants get access to information about current bids and the auction status through their personal accounts. -
What is the starting price of a domain?
The starting price is the minimum price of a domain at which the auction begins. It depends on the type of domain (two-character, three-character, etc.) and includes the fee for registering the domain for a period of one year. -
How is the starting price of a domain determined and the minimum bid increment?
The starting price of a domain is determined by the seller and depends on the category of the domain (two-character, three-character, four-character, or premium domain). The minimum bid increment is 10% of the starting price. -
What measures are provided for extending the auction time?
The auction time is automatically extended by 10 minutes each time a new high bid is received. If no new bids are received within 10 minutes, the auction ends. -
How is the auction winner determined?
The winner is the participant who submitted the highest bid at the end of the auction. If only one price offer is submitted, the participant who submitted this single bid automatically becomes the winner. -
What happens after the auction is won?
The winner must pay the remaining amount for the domain (the winning price minus the deposit) within 5 business days. After payment, he receives the right to use the domain name. To register the domain, the winner must contact one of the Registrars participating in the domain name auction. -
When is an auction considered to be a failure?
An auction is considered to be a failure if there are no participants or if all participants refuse to enter into an agreement. In this case, the seller has the right to put the domain up for another auction. -
Can I get my deposit back if I don't win the auction?
Yes, you can get your money back. After the auction ends, the deposit is returned to your bank account or card within 5 business days. -
What happens if the winner doesn't pay the full price of the domain?
If the winner doesn't make the payment, the agreement will be cancelled and the deposit (10% of the starting price) will go to the exchange as a penalty. The right to the domain will be transferred to the participant with the next highest bid. -
Is it possible to see the bids of other participants during the auction?
No, participants do not see who is bidding and what. Only the current best price is visible.
To contact the call center, call: +99871-202-22-02 (ext. 716)